Okay, it's long past time to rectify a sin that's been perpetuated for centuries: Assuming the biblical characters were real people, none of them were white folks. Seriously, all those people were from either North Africa or the Middle East, so there's no way they had European features or English accents. Yes, both classical artwork and Hollywood have been lying about this for a crazy long amount of time, but it's the 21st century, and the History Channel miniseries The Bible has no excuse for featuring such a whitewashed cast. To make things even worse, The Guardian points out that only two major characters are played by minority actors — Sampson and Satan. Yes, the devil. Could they be more offensive?
Ironically, the show's producers claimed their program was made out of a quest to cure "Bible illiteracy," but the series is Bible illiterate itself: The show cherry-picks elements from the "easy" biblical tales while ignoring more ambiguous, dark, or confusing aspects like the Book of Job, polygamy, the bizarre stuff with Lot and his daughters, or Moses getting angry about a golden calf. The result is a clean, sanitized, easy-breezy version that distorts the entire message of the text, rendering it unrecognizable.
In other words, if your knowledge of the Bible comes from History's The Bible, you really don't know anything about the Bible.